Friday 20 September 2013

More UK arrests of Syria terrorism suspects

Two more people have been arrested as part of a Metropolitan Police investigation into suspected terrorism in Syria involving Britons.
A man, 37, and a woman, 36, were arrested at an address in Essex on Wednesday.
This followed the arrest of two men, aged 29 and 22, in Dover, Kent, on arrival from France on Monday. A quantity of ammunition was seized.
Police searches of properties in east London and Lancashire are taking place.
All four people are being held on suspicion of being involved in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism under the Terrorism Act 2000.
They are all currently in custody in London.
Following Monday's arrests, there were police searches of an east London property and two vehicles.
The Essex property where Wednesday's arrests were made was also later searched.
A Met police statement on Thursday said searches in east London and Lancashire were ongoing and it was unable to provide more details at this stage.
Scotland Yard said no arrests have been made at the two addresses.
Last year, in his first public speech for two years, then-MI5 chief Jonathan Evans warned of Britons travelling to the Middle East for terrorist training in the wake of the Arab Spring.
"We appear to be moving from a period of a deep and focused threat to one where the threat is less monolithic but wider," he said.
"Today parts of the Arab world have once more become a permissive environment for al-Qaeda."
Foreign Secretary William Hague also warned recently that a "substantial number" of British citizens are fighting with extremist groups in Syria.
This could pose a future threat to British national security, he warned.

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